Drawdown EcoChallenge is a 21-day engagement program focused on carbon reduction. Participants track and share their progress online in a platform and earn points for taking action.
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Tag: Transportation
2018 AASHE Conference & Expo

Expected to draw over 2,000 participants, AASHE’s annual conference is the largest stage to share effective models, policies, research, collaborations and transformative actions which advance sustainability in higher education and surrounding communities.
Net Positive Symposium for Higher Education

The Net Positive for Higher Education Symposium will highlight Hampshire College, Smith College, and Williams College and their holistic, multi-generational approach to sustainability, resiliency, health, innovation, and equity. This symposium is for campus planners, sustainability directors, faculty/educators, administrators, operations staff, policy professionals, and design and construction professionals.
Student Conference on Global Challenges

Focusing this year on Climate & the Environment, this conference offers undergraduate and graduate students opportunities to share their research and engage in critical reflection and dialogue on how climate change and the environment is shaping our global context within the diverse disciplines of health, education, science, human rights, medicine, law, media, economics, politics, development and history.
Texas Regional Alliance for Campus Sustainability (TRACS) 2018 Summit

The Texas Regional Alliance for Campus Sustainability is holding its 2018 summit, bringing together regional experts and participants for a three-day conference to advance sustainability in higher education.
2018 Sustainability in Higher Education Canada Conference
The Canadian College and University Environmental Network (CCUEN) and Canadian Alliance of College and University Sustainability Professionals (CUSP) are co-organizing Canada’s first comprehensive sustainability in higher education conference. Keynote speaker […]
4th World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities
The 4th World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2018) will focus on Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development: Supporting the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
California Higher Education Sustainability Conference 2018
The 17th California Higher Education Sustainability Conference promotes policies and programs fostering sustainability within California higher education.
Achieving the SDGs Conference
The conference will focus on what it will take to achieve the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will offer opportunities to learn, network, collaborate and exhibit amongst development professionals from across Oregon. It […]
Bring Your Own Problem (BYOP): a green campus co-laboratory
Join GreenerU for the very first campus sustainability “co-laboratory.” This Bring Your Own Problem (BYOP) approach provides campus representatives an opportunity to present their own distinct energy and climate-related challenges […]