
Billboards provide a large visual callout for key information that typically includes a heading, description, call to action and image.

Adding an Image Billboard to a Page

To add an Image Billboard to a page add a new element in Visual Composer using the + at the top or within a row and select the Image Billboard component (this should only be used in 1/1 full width column row).

The Image Billboard contains the following fields:

  • Title: the title of the image billboard
  • Description: The description of the image billboard
  • Link: the call to action link and link text in the billboard
  • Color: a color selector for the background and heading color of the billboard
  • Image: the large image displayed in the billboard

Reference the example below for field layouts.


Image Billboard Title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel sapien malesuada, posuere nulla eu, consequat purus. Nullam quis dictum tellus. Vestibulum varius arcu gravida magna imperdiet, sed molestie diam hendrerit. Fusce ut velit at sapien ullamcorper pulvinar et id diam.
Image Billboard Slim
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel sapien malesuada, posuere nulla eu, consequat purus. Nullam quis dictum tellus. Vestibulum varius arcu gravida magna imperdiet, sed molestie diam hendrerit. Fusce ut velit at sapien ullamcorper pulvinar et id diam.