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Is AASHE’s 2019 Impact Accelerator and Professional Retreat on Your Boss’s Radar?

Sustainability leadership is one of the faster moving leadership fields in the 21stcentury. Professional development specific to sustainability leadership is a must for any individual and organization that is serious about making an impact.

When it comes to your professional development, AASHE’s 2019 Sustainability Impact Accelerator and Professional Retreat fills a crucial role in providing tailored, deep dive, small group professional development and impact acceleration. Obtaining support to attend is easier when you can explain the benefits of attending for both you as an individual and your wider organization/community.

Make a Good Argument to Get Support!

You need to be clear in yourself about the value proposition so that you can articulate this to whoever needs to approve your attendance. Review the website and focus in on the top three leadership development and impact areas that are most relevant for your organization and for you personally.

Formalize Your Request in Writing

Support your request with concrete reasons you should attend. To make things as easy as possible, we created a draft letter that you are welcome to download and use.

Prepare a Budget for the Cost of Attending

Carefully map out all of the likely expenses for attending and consider options for cutting costs such as booking flights early. You will find a starter budget in the draft letter.

The good news is, this year we have secured extremely cost-effective good quality university housing for all attendees!

Involve Your Staff and Boss in your Re-Entry

Talk to your boss about setting up a debrief meeting to discuss how you would like to bring the benefits of your accelerator and retreat experience to your organization. Much of our retreat content has been open sourced by our content providers to enable attendees to bring what they learn home.

An effective re-entry debrief can demonstrate the value in attending and plant the seeds for attendance at future offerings.

While You Are Out of the Office

Remind your employer that current technology allows you to be easily accessible during your time away from the office and explain how coverage will be maintained while you’re away.

Hit the Ground Running When You Return!

Be sure to maintain an action list of ideas you want to implement or develop further when you return. You can then summarize this list and provide an executive report for your employer. By doing so, you demonstrate the value in attending and plant the seeds for attendance at future annual conferences.

Remember to share ideas and vendor information with colleagues and staff!

Any questions about the workshop?
Please contact Daita Serghi,