Make the most out of your time at the AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo (#AASHE24) by creating an engaging, exciting, aesthetically appealing table. Find the details you need below to attract attendees in the Expo Hall and how to connect with those contacts after the conference ends.

  • Complete Your Mobile App Listing
    To help conference attendees learn about you both before, during, and after the conference, be sure your Company Profile is up to date. To make updates and edits to your organization profile, you can access your Exhibitor or Sponsor Portal. Your company’s primary contact will have received an email from with a link to access your Exhibitor or Sponsor Portal, shortly after payment was received. 

    In your Portal, you can:

    • Preview and edit your company information
    • Add Managers (members of your staff who will be involved with the event)
    • Upload Booth Design files for:
      1. Logo Image
      2. Thumbnail Image
      3. Banner Image
      4. Promotional Video
    • Review Tasks assigned to your organization
    • Upload files, including handouts or other useful materials you’d like attendees to access. Maximum file size is 50 MB
    • Access leads from the event

  • Attendee Interaction

    • There is nothing you need to do ahead of time to have your organization involved in gamification. However, if you would like to offer a contest or giveaway to attendees, please include that information in your company description via your Exhibitor Portal.
    • Each table will be provided with a tent card with their company name and a QR code that attendees can scan for points towards conference prizes. You are welcome to have it out on the table or you can provide it when asked to attendees that come by.
    • There will also be photo contests for attendees to earn points, such as taking a picture with an exhibit table, so we ask for your support in making this an engaging and fun event for attendees.

  • Leads & Post-Conference Reports

    Using Lead Retrieval

    AASHE does not provide lists of attendees for any of the programs and services we offer. Exhibitors and Sponsors will be able to obtain complete contact information from scanned leads.


    1. You will need to provide a cell phone for your table to use lead retrieval. 
    2. Download the Pheedloop Go app on your phone and login using your email.
    3. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to left hand side navigation menu
    4. Under Exhibitor Tools, select Lead Capture
    5. Select Launch Scanner
    6. Scan the QR code
    7. Under Notes, fill out any information the lead has provided
    8. Under Authority Rating, rate the lead between 0-10 in terms of authority for their organization
    9. Under Budget Rating, rate the lead between 0-10 in terms of what their budget could be for your service
    10. Under Needs Rating, rate the lead between 0-10 in terms of how urgent their needs are from your organization
    11. Under Overall Rating, rate the lead between 0-10 in terms of how qualified the lead is overall for your organization
    12. Select Save

    Re-visiting Your Leads from the Event App

    1. From the Mobile Event App, navigate to left hand side navigation menu
    2. Under Exhibitor Tools, select Lead Capture
    3. Select View Leads
    4. Select the lead you would like to view/edit from the list
    5. Edit any information similar to when you scanned them originally
    6. Select Save

    Downloading Lead Data as an Exhibitor

    Anyone who is a manager associated with the Exhibitor Profile will be able to access the Exhibitor Portal. All information for leads, including personal information such as email address will be shown here. Additionally, you will be able to see any notes taken as well for who scanned who.

    1. From the Exhibitor Portal, navigate to the Lead Retrieval tab
    2. Click on Actions > Download CSV

    AASHE will also send you a report of all badges scanned post-conference.

  • Best Green Practices for Exhibitors


    • Limit brochures and paper handouts in favor of sending information via email or display electronically at your table (most attendees will review materials at your table and leave them for the next person)
    • Use non-dated event neutral designs so items may be used for future events 
    • Print signage and handouts through FSC-certified printers and/or paper made of post-consumer content
    • Use non-chlorine inks such as vegetable or soy
    • Print and purchase what you can in the host city to reduce shipping. When shipping, only send what you need and avoid packaging peanuts (polystyrene) or other difficult to recycle toxic materials
    • If you wish to hand out swag to attendees, please choose utilitarian items that are sustainably made and recyclable (avoid “brandfill”)
    • Use sustainable and/or recycled materials in your exhibit table

    During the Expo:

    • During set-up, save packaging materials from shipments to reuse at the end of the conference
    • Remember to power off and unplug any electronic items at your table when not in use to save energy

    During Breakdown:

    • During break down, use waste stations to properly recycle any items that cannot be reused
    • Pack up your reusable materials and take them with you to use at future events
    • We will have a donation station to collect useful items you do not wish to ship back such as water bottles, canvas bags, pens or similar handouts.
      • NOTE: All paper handouts should be recycled