Presenter Registration

  • How do I register as a presenter?

    If you are having technical difficulties, please a different browser or use an incognito browser. If you’re still having issues, contact for assistance.

  • I am an accepted presenter. Now what?
    Accepted presenters must register by September 15 in order to have their session included in the program.


  • Is it required for presenters to register?
    Yes, anyone who is listed as a presenter must be registered for the conference. Presenters who do not register by the Presenter Registration Deadline of September 15 will be removed from the presenter list. Sessions without any registered presenters will be removed from the program.

  • Are there policies I have to follow as a presenter?
  • How much is registration?
    Presenter Discounts:

    • Student Presenters will receive $50 off their registration
    • All other Presenters will receive $100 off their registration

    We have special rates for members, non-members, students, presenters, non-profit and institutional attendees. See all details on the Registration page.

  • What does registration include?

    • Access to all sessions, including Learning Labs
    • All social and networking sessions
    • Access to the exhibit hall
    • Vegetarian Lunch on October 28 and October 29
    • Opening Night Reception on October 27

  • Are group packages available?
    Yes, AASHE offers group registration discounts, but Presenters are not eligible to be included in the group quantity, as they are already receiving the highest discount.

    Per the AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo Registration & Participation Policies:

    Use of a discount code is only valid at the time of the initial purchase/registration. Refunds will not be authorized for existing registrations where the special offer was received after the initial purchase. Discount codes and group discounts cannot be applied to already reduced/discounted registrations, including Presenter discounts. Limit one (1) special offer/discount code per registration.

  • What is your refund policy if I am unable to attend?
    Requests for cancellations and/or refunds will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (ET) on September 15, 2024, and a 5% administrative fee will be deducted. Please note that this fee will be incurred for all cancellation/refund requests regardless of when they are received. Once a registration has been charged to a credit card, AASHE cannot change the credit card used for payment. Refunds will be credited using the original payment method, less the cancellation fee. Refunds will not be issued for no-shows.
  • Can registrants who are unable to attend send a substitute?
    AASHE does not allow substitutions on registrations. If you are unable to attend, you will need to cancel your registration by the cancellation cutoff date of September 15, 2024 for a refund, minus the 5% administrative fee. No refunds will be granted after September 15, 2024.
  • What forms of payment are accepted?
    Check, ACH, and credit card payments are accepted as outlined in our AASHE 2024 Registration & Participation Policies. Check payments will be accepted until September 15, 2024, and must be sent within 45 days of invoice receipt. If paying by check, please allow 2 weeks for delivery and receipt. If payment is not received within 45 days of your registration, AASHE will cancel your registration, and you will have to register at the rate in place when you re-register. Please include a copy of the invoice or confirmation email.

Before the Conference

  • I can no longer present at this conference. Can someone else present for me?
    Yes, presenters are able to substitute another presenter for their session by September 15. We are unable to accept registration substitutions, so the new presenter will need to register by September 15 as well. To remove the original presenter and add a new one, submit the Session Update Request Form.
  • I need to make changes to my session or cancel my session. How do I do that?
    Please submit minor edits to title, summary and description via the Speaker Portal in Pheedloop. To cancel your session or for any other changes, please submit the Session Update Request Form.
  • Can I provide additional documentation (PDFs, images) to my presentation?
    Yes! We encourage presenters to upload PDFs of their slides along with any additional white papers or other documentation that will enhance their presentation in their Speaker Portal. Attendees will be able to download these documents from the mobile app.
  • I worry my presentation might be too technical/ attract a small audience/uninteresting. How do I make it more engaging and interactive?
    Develop your session by following this step-by-step guide for an engaging, interactive, psychologically safe, accessible and inclusive session. Also consider these quick tips for a Successful Session.
  • How do I add polls to my session?
    If you would like to use Session Polling, you can set up questions directly in your Speaker Portal:

    • If you are using polls in your session, be sure to include the #AASHE24 Slide Template, as it has instructions for attendees on how to engage in polling in their mobile app.
    • Be sure to enable your polls prior to your session.

    How to Create Polls
    For presenters who are assigned to a session, they are able to create Live Polls right in their Speaker Portal. 

    1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions
    2. Select the session you would like to add live polls to the list
    3. Select Polls
      1. You are not able to reorder the poll questions after you have submitted them. If you need to swap the order, please delete and resubmit the questions in your preferred order.
    4. Fill out Poll QuestionOption 1, and Option 2
      1. If you select Add Option, you can add as many answers to the poll as you like.
      2. You are able to edit your poll question and options text.
    5. Select Save

    Enabling Polls
    By default, your polls will be disabled, meaning that when attendees access your session in the mobile app, they will not be able to see polling questions. Be sure to enable all of your polls either before your session or live during the session via the Speaker Portal.

    1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions
    2. Select the session you have added a live poll to
    3. Select Polls
    4. Select the live poll you have created from the list
    5. Select Enable Poll
      1. If you select Delete Poll, this will remove the poll from the list.

During the Conference

  • How do I get my slides and resources to the conference? How do I use them to present?
    Bring your presentation and any resources needed on a flash drive 10 minutes before your session time to your assigned room. Transfer them to the computer in the room or open the files from the flash drive.

    We also encourage presenters to provide their slide decks in their Speaker Portal so that attendees can access the files through the Mobile App.

  • Do I need to bring supplies?
    You will need to bring your presentation and any digital resources to your assigned session room. Arrive at your room at least 10 minutes before your presentation is scheduled to begin to test the equipment and get your presentation ready.

    For physical supplies (pens, paper, post-its), a limited number of supplies will be available for borrowing from the registration desk.

    • Using tape or other adhesives on the walls of the convention center is not allowed. Sticky notes are okay.

  • How do I find my session location?
    We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the program overview and layout of the conference in order to arrive at your session on time. You can access session locations and maps within the mobile app (will go live later in October).
  • Will my session be recorded?

    • Some Field Report and Learning Lab sessions will be recorded by AASHE, while others will not be.
    • Networking Meetings will not be recorded to protect the privacy of attendees.
    • Recording of sessions or performances is prohibited without written consent from AASHE.

  • What is the session room set up?

    • Technology:
      • a PC laptop (with MS Office installed), screen, projector, 
      • Mac laptops and Mac adapters will not be provided.
      • Use a USB drive to transfer your presentation to the laptop.
      • You may not project from your own device.
    • Furniture:
      • podium with microphone,
      • head table with one table microphone and three chairs behind it.
      • Sessions with more than three presenters may move additional chairs from the audience seating area to the front as needed.
      • Please be sure to return chairs and any other furniture to the correct place when your session is over.
      • Audience seating: banquet rounds or theater style seating, depending on the room size.

  • What if I have technical issues during my presentation?
    If technology problems arise during your session, AASHE Program Staff stationed near session rooms will be able to help locate AV support.
  • My session might run long. Is that okay?
    Be prepared to monitor your start and end times to keep on the conference schedule.
  • I want to share a video during my presentation. How do I do that?
    If you would like to project video, please make sure that videos in your slides are embedded and also bring them along separately on your thumb drive. Attempting to stream your video from the internet may result in choppy, poor-resolution videos. Reminder: Slides should be 16:9 format.
  • I'm presenting a Networking Meeting. What do I do to prepare?
    In addition to the above, the following also apply:

    • These sessions are intended to encourage networking among attendees from the same region or with a common interest.
    • Meetings should be highly interactive and typically do not include a formal presentation with slides.

    To prepare for a networking meeting, you may wish to develop a series of questions for group discussion. We also recommend activities that foster small-group discussion among attendees.

General FAQs

  • Where and when is the AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo in-person conference?
    We invite you to join the highly anticipated AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo in Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Marriott from October 27-29, 2024!
  • Will there be a virtual offering for people who can’t attend in person?
    We will not be offering virtual options for this conference. A hybrid model for our conference is going to be cost-prohibitive this year, but we continue to explore options on how we can get this important content out to the largest audience.
  • Where can I receive updates regarding the conference?
    Please continue to monitor our conference website for more details or subscribe to our AASHE e-Newsletters for up-to-date details.
  • Where can I get additional assistance?
    If you need assistance or have questions that have not been answered in the FAQs, please email us at