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Science, Engineering & Technology Education and Sustainable Development Goals
October 3, 2019 - October 5, 2019
In view of the rapidly growing population and accelerating global ecological crisis, the concept of sustainability offers a promising, effective and pragmatic way to switch from a self-destructive mode of development to a balanced and sustainable way of life. There is an increasing global community consensus on the importance of education for sustainable development, which is engraved in the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is emphasized that “… none of the SDGs can be achieved without education” (Goal 4: Quality Education). As UNESCO puts it, “There is growing international recognition of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as an integral element of quality education and a key enabler for sustainable development.” Science, engineering and technology (SET) education is expected to play a pivotal role in achieving this goal.
The aim of this symposium is to work in partnership towards the advancement of sustainability in higher education and research through
- exchanging and developing innovative ideas
- reflecting on positive experiences
- sharing effective pedagogical tools and practices
- initiating new, interdisciplinary collaborative projects
- bringing case studies of integrating sustainability into curriculum (e.g. exercises, assignments, hands-on group projects, etc.)
- exploring examples of implementing sustainability in campus operations (i.e. water and energy management, recycling, green buildings, etc.)
The symposium will serve as a platform for having fruitful discussions across all disciplines of study on how science, engineering and technology education can contribute effectively to achieving the Sustainability Development Goals.
Last Day for Paper Submission: 15 June, 2019. Please email your abstract (maximum 250 words) to Irina Trubetskova at itrubetskova@gmail.com with ‘Indiana Summit 2019 Symposium’ in the Subject line.
Last Date for Acceptance Notification: 30 June, 2019.
Last date for Registration: 02 September, 2019
Conference Website: http://info.vit.ac.in/IndianaSummit2019/index.html