Plastic Free Ecochallenge
AnywhereThe Plastic Free Ecochallenge is a 31-day challenge to practice bettering your habits to help conserve wildlife and natural habitats. Reduce your plastic use for the health of the natural […]
Stay-In-Stitute for Climate Change Education
OnlineThis three-day experience will take you beyond your computer screen, and into your backyard and neighborhood to do authentic scientific and social data collection, move your body, and make observations of the world around you.
IEN Community Conversation – Racial Justice
OnlineThis webinar is designed to be an open dialogue to explore how community impact investing might help address racial inequity; how endowments can support equitable economic development by investing in […]
Coping with Climate Anxiety in the Classroom and for Yourself: a Workshop for College & University Faculty
OnlineThis 2-hour online workshop is for faculty to address their own emotions so that we can create and hold space in our classrooms for students to integrate and process hard realities about climate change impacts.