Shaun Harper

Monday, October 28, 2024

Once I made the discovery of these [racial inequities], and I understood how deep they were and are… I just couldn’t walk away from it. Once you know, you can’t unknow.


Shaun Harper is one of America’s most highly respected diversity, equity, and inclusion experts. He is a Provost Professor in the Rossier School of Education, Price School of Public Policy, and Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. He also is the Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership, as well as founder and executive director of the USC Race and Equity Center. Dr. Harper has published 12 books and over 100 academic papers. In addition, he has authored more than 125 articles for the Washington Post, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, and other newspapers and magazines. The recipient of dozens of top awards in his fields and four honorary degrees, Professor Harper served as the 2020-21 American Educational Research Association president and the 2016-17 Association for the Study of Higher Education president. He was inducted into the National Academy of Education in 2021.

Equity First Webinar: A Conversation with Dr. Shaun R. Harper

This conversation, facilitated by Lumina Foundation Senior Vice President and Chief Policy Officer Dr. Danette Howard, will explore Dr. Shaun R. Harper’s experiences and expertise in undoing racist policies and practices within postsecondary education, and will elevate strategies to improve education outcomes for Black, Latino, and Native American students.

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