With dozens of educational sessions in different formats and on a wide range of topics, the conference will provide a wealth of insight and inspiration. Browse our session types and focus areas below to learn more. 

  • Session Types
    Educational content at the conference will be organized into the following session types:

    Field Reports (45 minutes)

    Field reports provide a great way to spotlight innovative and high impact approaches for advancing sustainability based on the real-world experiences of higher education sustainability leaders.

    Learning Labs (3 hours)

    Learning labs provide in-depth learning experiences focused on advancing sustainability-related competencies or skills. They allow deeper dives into specific topics than provided in a field report and should include significant opportunity for audience interaction.

    Networking Meetings (45 minutes)

    Networking meetings are an opportunity for regional networks and other affinity groups (e.g., zero waste managers or community college representatives) to convene, network and discuss issues that are relevant to the group. They are interactive in nature and, besides a brief introduction to start the conversation, should not include a formal presentation.

    Topical Tables

    Topical tables are designated spaces (typically a table or two) for people with a common interest to connect informally over lunch. Some topical tables may have a facilitator to guide the conversation but there should be no formal presentations or activities.

  • Focus Areas
    This year, we are particularly emphasizing content that focuses on following subjects, which are based on specific needs and interests expressed by members of the AASHE community, particularly the Conference Content Task Force:

    Gaining influence

    This may include: expanding the scope of responsibility of sustainability staff; securing or enhancing support from campus leadership; finding allies and building a stronger base of sustainability advocates; forming or strengthening coalitions; collaborating with other departments (e.g., DEI, procurement, marketing) or external actors (e.g., government, business, civil society); strengthening sustainability governance structures; or effective facilitation and stakeholder engagement.

    Campus decarbonization

    This may include: renewable energy; building electrification and efficiency; financing options; electric vehicles; air travel reduction efforts; or behavior change programs.

    Sustainability assessment and reporting

    This may include: successful approaches for collecting sustainability data; effective dissemination of sustainability data (e.g., through reports or dashboards); new metrics or assessment frameworks; or strategies for leveraging sustainability data/recognition to make change.

    Racial equity and social justice

    This may include: equitable hiring practices; campus labor rights, just procurement or investment strategies; support programs for marginalized groups; affordability issues; combating white supremacy and eco-facism; Indigenization and decolonization, or non-extractive community partnerships.

    Communications and storytelling

    This may include: avoiding greenwashing; articulating a positive vision for the future; reaching beyond the choir; social media strategies; or expanding the visibility of higher ed sustainability generally.

    Mental health and wellness

    This may include: maintaining motivation and avoiding burnout; overcoming or managing eco-anxiety; or developing and strengthening personal resilience.

    Teaching & Learning

    This may include: pedagogy, content and leadership for sustainability education; curriculum integrations; or experiential learning and campus as a classroom.