To meet the needs of our diverse community, AASHE offers a wide array for virtual education programs, including webinars, workshops, courses, open-space forums and more! Join us to gain inspiration from peers, develop new skills, and build relationships with colleagues.

Featured Programs

Join our upcoming workshop on September 26, 2-5 pm ET to master STARS version 3.0 data quality for efficient and accurate reporting. This session covers essential strategies, the review process, and key deadlines while offering insights into building strong partnerships with report reviewers. This workshop is ideal for STARS liaisons, data collectors, and prospective report reviewers. We hope you'll join us!

Workshops, Courses, and Forums

Virtual workshops and online courses allow for deeper and more advanced explorations of key topics facing higher education sustainability leaders. Open-space forums provide opportunities for participants to shape the agenda and build relationships with like-minded colleagues.


AASHE Webinars provide a great way to share innovative and high-impact approaches for advancing sustainability in higher education. These one-hour interactive presentations and discussions are offered live, typically on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. ET. Free to everyone to attend, they are engaging sessions that use a variety of online tools to leave attendees feeling energized, inspired, and ready to tackle sustainability challenges.

Find webinars on a wide range of topics from racial equity and social justice to climate change and everything in-between.
Watch past AASHE webinars at your convenience. Webinar archives are available to all AASHE members.
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